
Sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time
Sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time

sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time

To associate a link whitelabel, the parent account Subusers to send mail using their parent's linke whitelabels. Link whitelables can be associated with subusers from the parent account. This endpoint allows you to associate a link whitelabel with a subuser account. Type: string add_branded_link_to_subuser # "username" : "Username to associate with the domain whitelabel." ID of the domain whitelabel to associate with the subuser. The the parent may then associate the whitelabel via the subuser management tools.įor more information on whitelabeling, please see our User Guide URI Parameters # URI Parameter To associate a whitelabel with a subuser, the parent account must first create the whitelabel and validate it. This functionality allows subusers to send mail using their parent's whitelabels. assigned to) subusers from a parent account. If you turn Automated Security off, you will be given 2 TXT records and 1 MX record.ĭomain whitelabels can be associated with (i.e. If you choose to use Automated Security, SendGrid will provide you with 3 CNAME records. You will be required to create a subdomain so that SendGrid can generate the DNS records which you must give to your host provider. Whitelabeling a domain allows you to replace with your personal sending domain. This endpoint allows you to associate a specific domain whitelabel with a subuser.Ī domain whitelabel allows you to remove the “via” or “sent on behalf of” message that your recipients see when they read your emails. Type: string add_authenticated_domain_to_subuser # | version_id | string | The ID of the template version | Parameters template_id (required) # | template_id | string | The ID of the original template |

sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time

Each user can have up to 300 versions across across all templates.įor more information about transactional templates, please see our User Guide. This endpoint allows you to activate a version of one of your templates.Įach transactional template can have multiple versions, each version with its own subject and content.

Sendgrid schedule email to send at certain time